Ginpakigbahin sang singer, songwriter nga si Rico Blanco sa social media sini ang ginaagyan nga patilaw sa kapamilya sini.

Matapos i-share sang 51-anyos singer ang kahimtangan sang ikaayong lawas sang iya utod nga si King nga  nagapakigbato sa karon sa balatian nga cancer.

‘A few weeks ago we received the terrible news that he has cancer. The signs all came too rapidly and seemingly out of nowhere, and by the time we got the full diagnosis, we were told he already has an advanced and very aggressive type of squamous cell carcinoma (sinus),’ pahayag ni Blanco sa isa ka post.

Lakip man sa mga gin-post sini ang iya laragway sang bata pa kaupod ang utod sini kag may caption nga ‘This beautiful boy you see with me is my younger brother, King. Only a year apart, we did everything together growing up, like best friends, or even twins. We shared so many adventures and fought so many battles alongside each other. I love him so very dearly.’

Nagapangayo naman sang pangamuyo ang singer sa mga followers sini para sa mas madasig nga pag-ayo sang iya utod.


‘His treatment started yesterday, and we are praying all our efforts are not too late. Weve also decided to share so we can humbly ask for your help – please pray for King’s strength and healing. Only heaven really knows whats best for my dear brother but we are keeping our hopes up. I cannot bear to imagine a world without him in it. This is our toughest battle. Please, please help us win,’ dugang pa ni Blanco.